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Crepes from home – Students’ edition


Most students who don’t live at home are probably tired of their usual diet, which most likely consists of take out, instant noodles and frozen dinners. I am someone who spends more time brushing my teeth than in the kitchen therefore, I’m the best person to teach you how to make a delicious meal of crepes in less than 15 minutes.

First of all, as a students, I don’t own measuring cups and spoons, spatula, whisk, spoons or any of that fancy utensils so we will make this process as easy as possible. I am also going to pull a Michael Smith from “Chef at Home” and cook without a recipe. Crepes may sound extravagant but realistically, it’s something you can’t mess up.

The first step is to make the batter. This is probably the most difficult part of the meal, but it will only take 3 minutes. All you need to do is mix the following ingredients together with a fork and make sure there are no lumps:

one part milk

one part all purpose flour

a couple eggs

a pinch of salt (very important even if you are making a dessert crepe)

The next step is to prepare the filling. Simply find any leftover or sandwich meat from your fridge, grab some cheese and Dijon mustard and you will have everything you need. If you are craving something sweet, use unsalted butter and sugar or a couple scoops of ice cream for the filling instead.

Lastly, and most importantly, the cooking process. There are a few tricks to make your crepes taste that much better. With a clean pan, heat up a couple drops of vegetable oil on high. Then add some butter. Vegetable oil has a much higher burning temperature than butter. With this easy step of combining the two fats, you will have the rich flavour of butter without the burning. When the butter melts completely, turn the heat down to medium and add enough batter to the pan for your liking.

The cooking process should be around two minutes on each side, pile your ingredients up on one side of the crepe and fold the other side over to create a semi-circle. Turn the heat down to low and slowly let the cheese melt.

Then Voila, you’ve got yourself a dinner that does not contains 170% of your daily intake of fat and sodium.


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